Minecraft’s undead are a group of creatures that players regularly face. These mobs spawn at night and hunt players, which can be a nightmare for those new to Minecraft. The mob family has some of the most annoying foes, such as phantoms, baby zombies, and skeletons. Despite stressing players, these mobs are iconic and are an essential part of the game.
The mobs have an important role in making the game beloved by many, bringing a sense of danger and excitement. Some are easy to deal with, while others require strategy and preparation. Here are four of the best undead mobs in Minecraft.
The best Minecraft undead mobs
1) Zombie

Zombies are among the most well-known hostile mobs. They spawn in dark areas and are commonly found at night or in caves. These mobs are slow-moving but persistent, making them a challenge for the unprepared.
Zombies attack players and villagers, turning villagers into zombie villagers if they aren’t protected. They burn in daylight unless they are wearing a helmet. Baby zombies are faster and more difficult to fight due to their speed and small size. Some zombies can spawn wearing armor or holding weapons, making them stronger.
They are a staple of Minecraft and serve as an early-game threat. Players can use them for experience farming and even convert zombie villagers back into normal villagers using a weakness potion and a golden apple.
2) Skeleton

Skeletons are another classic undead mob. They are dangerous because they use bows to attack from a distance, making them one of the few ranged hostile mobs in the game. Their accuracy makes them a difficult opponent, especially for new players.
Skeletons avoid wolves, who attack them on sight. In daylight, they burn unless they’re wearing a helmet or standing in water. They will sink in water and are not capable of swimming. They sometimes drop bows, arrows, or bones when defeated.
Skeletons can be used in mob farms to collect bones, which are useful for farming and taming wolves. They can also drop enchanted bows, making them a valuable enemy to defeat.
3) Wither

The Wither is one of the most dangerous and powerful mobs. Unlike other undead mobs, it does not spawn naturally and must be summoned by the player. The Wither is created by placing three wither skeleton skulls on top of soul sand or soul soil in a specific formation.
It has high health and attacks by shooting explosive skulls. It causes the Wither effect, which slowly depletes the player’s health over time. The Wither destroys blocks in its path, making it highly destructive. When defeated, it drops a Nether Star — required to craft a beacon.
The Wither is often fought to obtain the Nether Star. Due to its destructive power, players usually battle it in underground locations to minimize its movement and damage to their surroundings. Defeating a Wither is a major achievement in Minecraft.
4) Drowned

Drowned are underwater variants of zombies that spawn in rivers and oceans. They add a new level of danger to exploring water bodies. Drowned can spawn naturally in water or when a zombie stays underwater too long.
They have a chance to spawn holding a trident — a powerful weapon in Minecraft — and attack with melee attacks unless they are holding a trident, in which case they throw it at the player. They drop items like rotten flesh and sometimes a trident.
Drowned are important because they provide the only renewable way to obtain a trident. Players who want a trident will need to find, and defeat drowned holding one, as tridents cannot be crafted.
Edited by Ripunjay Gaba